P.Berol. 21251

Trismegistos: 64550

Transcription based on: Treu, Kurt. “Varia Christiana II.” AfP 32 (1986): 27–29.

Fragment 1


  1. ο σ̣[ωτη]ρ των ανθρωπων κυριε // [θε]ο̣ς ελεησ[ον]
  2. μη̣ [α]πολησης ημας εν οργη κυριε [ ] θ̣εος ελεη̣[σον]*
  3. μη προ ιμαρμενης πα ποιμνια σου απολεσης ι(ησου)ς θ[...]*
  4. μη καυκασθω ο πονηρος επι τη ημων απολ̣ια*
  5. λευλευ κυριε σ̣υ ημας ελεησον ι(ησου)ς*
  6. [λε]υλευ πανελεη[μ]ων ουδεν κακον γινω[σ]κι[ς]*
  7. λευλευ επινευσον συ ημιν η σωτηρια
  8. δευτε παντες θαυμασατε τα θυμασια του κυρι‘ου’’ιη‘*
  9. ο σωτ]η̣ρ των ανθρωπων υψιστε και μο[νε] χ[..]*
  10. [...τ]ον κοσμον εκτισας ως πατηρ [...]
  11. [...] . ν ελεησον και αγγελω̣ν̣[...]
  12. [...].[.]..[...]..[...].κον[...]
  13. [...]τε θ̣ε̣[ο]ς συ ημων η σωτηρια [...]*
  14. [...]κοσμον*
  15. [...]εκτισας ως πατηρ ελεησον̣[...]
  16. μη π̣ρο̣ ιμαρμενης τα ποιμνια σου απελης [...]*
  17. δευτε προποντ̣ε̣[ ].ς και ξενοι και πολιτε*
  18. θαυμασω̣με̣[ν τα θαυμασι]α του κυριου σο̣τηρο̣[ς]*
  19. [...]ν̣εων [...]..ε̣τ̣ης και αστερ[...]
  20. [...]ημων φ[...]π̣ε συ ημας φ[...]
  21. [...ευ]εργετα δικε̣[ε ] π̣ατερ ολου του [κοσμου]*
  1. The Ṣ[avio]r of humanity Lord! // [G]ọd have mer[cy],
  2. noṭ [do] destroy us in anger Lord! [ ] G̣od haṿẹ [mercy]*
  3. not before being divided from the flocks of you you lose J(esu)s .[...]*
  4. not let boast the evil one upon the of us destrục̣tion*
  5. Alleluia Lord ỵou to us have mercy J(esu)s*
  6. [Alle]luia all-merci[f]ul, nothing evil you [k]no[w]*
  7. Alleluia you breathe out you to us salvation
  8. Come all (and) marvel at the wonders of the Lord*
  9. The Savi]ọr of humanity, Most High and On[ly] .[..]*
  10. [...t]he world you have created as Father [...]
  11. [...] . . have mercy and the angelṣ[...]
  12. [...].[.]..[...]..[...]....[...]
  13. [...].. G̣[o]d you our salvation [...]*
  14. [...]world*
  15. [...]you have created as Father have merc̣ỵ[...]
  16. not ḅẹfoṛẹ being divided from the flocks of you you lose [...]*
  17. Come ........[ ] .. and foreigners and citizens*
  18. marvẹḷ a[t the wonder]s of the Lord Sạviọ[r]*
  19. [...].... [...]....... and star[...]
  20. [...]of us .[...].. you us f[...]
  21. [...Be]nefactor, Jusṭ [one], F̣ather of the whole [world]*

The Savior of humanity, Lord! // God have mercy, do not destroy us in anger, Lord! God have mercy, not before being divided from your flocks, you lose J(esu)s .[...] Do not let the evil one boast upon our destruction.

Alleluia Lord, you show mercy to us, J(esu)s. Alleluia, All-merciful one, you know nothing evil. Alleluia, you yourself breathe out salvation to us. Come all (and) marvel at the wonders of the Lord, the Savior of humanity, Most High and Only …

… the world you have created as Father … have mercy and the angels … God you (are) our salvation … world … you have created as Father, have mercy … not before being divided from your flocks, you lose …

Come … and foreigners and citizens, marvel at the wonders of the Savior Lord. … and star … of us … you us … Benefactor, Just one, Father of the whole world.


  1. εις θεο[ς ελε]ησον ει[ς] θεος ελεη̣[σον]..*
  2. λευλευ ελεησον*
  3. λευλευ κυριε*
  4. λευλευ δεομεθα*
  5. λευλευ επακουσαν*
  6. λευλευ αορατε*
  7. λευ[λ]ευ αμιαντε*
  8. λευ[λευ δ]ικαιε*
  9. λευ[λευ κυρ]ιε*
  10. [...]υ̣ε
  11. [...]..
  1. One Go[d have] mercy, On[e] God have [mercy]..*
  2. Alleluia have mercy*
  3. Alleluia Lord*
  4. Alleluia we beg (you)*
  5. Alleluia he who is heard*
  6. Alleluia Invisible one*
  7. Alle[l]uia Undefiled one*
  8. Alle[luia J]ust one*
  9. Alle[luia Lo]rd*
  10. [...]..
  11. [...]..

One God have mercy, One God have mercy …

Alleluia have mercy

Alleluia Lord

Alleluia we beg (you)

Alleluia he who is heard

Alleluia Invisible one

Alleluia Undefiled one

Alleluia Just one

Alleluia Lord
